Island Farm Camp Heritage Plan

The Hut 9 Preservation Group (H9PG) are working with the Reach team to develop a costed heritage plan for the Visitor Centre and wider site at Hut 9.  The plan will provide a framework for the group to develop its business plan and to evidence future funding bids.

The history of Island Farm Prisoner of War (PoW) Camp in Bridgend is of national significance. Hut 9 Preservation Group (H9PG) is dedicated to conserving the remaining features of the site and telling its stories through open days, visits and talks. The H9PG Visitor Centre (VC) lies immediately adjacent to the Camp and is integral to the organisation’s aims.

The VC was purchased in 2022 and has basic utilities and is a good interpretation space, however it needs upgrading in some areas and H9PG need specialist inputs to improve visitor access and heritage interpretation.

This project will develop a heritage/facilities plan for the site – with the aim of improving the interpretation of the camp and making the most effective use of the VC, Hut 9 itself and the wider camp context.

Hut 9 Preservation Group

Project gallery